Spring Table Top Gnome with Floral Green Hat

HK$73.00 Sold Out

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6*4*12" This charming gnome is the perfect addition to any spring decor. Crafted with a floral green hat, this table top gnome adds a pop of color and character to any room. Made with high-quality materials, it is sure to bring a touch of whimsy and joy to your home.
6*4*12" 這款迷人的侏儒是任何春季裝飾的完美補充。這款桌面侏儒採用花卉綠色帽子製成,為任何房間增添了流行的色彩和特色。它採用優質材料製成,一定會給您的家帶來一絲奇思妙想和歡樂。