Easter Multicolored Eggs on Bottle


可在以下地點取貨 Vanta Industrial

通常會在 2-4 天內準備就緒


3.75*3.75*7" Introduce some color and cheer to your Easter holiday with our Easter Multicolored Eggs on Bottle. These festive and vibrant eggs will add a touch of joy to your decor. Made with premium materials, these eggs are sure to last for many Easters to come.
3.75*3.75*7" 用我們的復活節瓶裝多彩彩蛋為您的復活節裝飾增添一絲色彩和歡樂。這些節日氣氛濃厚、鮮豔多彩的彩蛋將為您的裝飾增添一抹歡樂。採用優質材料製作,這些彩蛋一定能夠持久地陪伴您度過許多個復活節。