Easter Hanging Egg Ornament


可在以下地點取貨 Vanta Industrial

通常會在 2-4 天內準備就緒


Dia3.25" As an expert in the Easter holiday and decorating, I am excited to introduce our Easter Hanging Egg Ornament. Made with high-quality materials, these ornaments are perfect for adding a festive touch to your home. With a variety of colors and designs, these ornaments will bring joy and beauty to your Easter celebration.
Dia3.25" 作為復活節假期和裝飾專家,我很高興向您介紹我們的復活節吊蛋裝飾品。這些裝飾品採用優質材料製成,非常適合為您的家增添節日氣氛。這些裝飾品具有多種顏色和設計,將為您的復活節慶祝活動帶來歡樂和美麗。