Easter Hanging Egg Ornament


可在以下地點取貨 Vanta Industrial

通常會在 2-4 天內準備就緒


2.5*3" Expertly crafted with intricate designs, our Easter Hanging Egg Ornament adds a touch of elegance to any Easter celebration. Made from high-quality materials, it is both durable and beautiful. Hang it on your Easter tree or use it as a centerpiece for a festive table setting.
2.5*3" 我們的復活節吊蛋裝飾品採用複雜的設計精心製作,為任何復活節慶祝活動增添了一絲優雅。它由優質材料製成,既耐用又美觀。將它掛在復活節樹上或用作節日餐桌佈置的中心裝飾品。