Easter Hanging Egg with Cut Design in Blue


可在以下地點取貨 Vanta Industrial

通常會在 2-4 天內準備就緒


9*0.25*11.75" Add a touch of Easter cheer to your home with our Easter Hanging Egg in Yellow. With its delicate cut design, this egg is a perfect addition for your Easter decorations. The bright yellow color will surely brighten up your space and bring a festive atmosphere.
9*0.25*11.75" 用我們黃色的復活節懸掛蛋為家增添一絲復活節歡樂。它精細的切割設計使其成為您復活節裝飾的完美添加。明亮的黃色一定會照亮您的空間,帶來節日氛圍。