Spring Standing Gnome


可在以下地點取貨 Vanta Industrial

通常會在 2-4 天內準備就緒


6*4*12" Upgrade your garden with our Spring Standing Gnome. Made from durable materials, this gnome stands tall and proud, adding a touch of charm to your outdoor space. With its whimsical design and weather-resistant construction, it's sure to bring joy and a pop of color to any garden.
6*4*12" 以我們的春季站立小矮人升級您的花園。採用耐用材料製成,這個小矮人高高矮矮,為您的室外空間增添一抹色彩和魅力。憑藉其奇幻的設計和耐候性的結構,它肯定能為任何花園帶來歡樂和一抹色彩。