Easter Fabric Shelf Sitter Bunny


可在以下地點取貨 Vanta Industrial

通常會在 2-4 天內準備就緒


5*5*20" Add a cheerful touch to your Easter decorations with our Fabric Shelf Sitter Bunny. Made from high-quality fabric and designed with attention to detail, this bunny sits perfectly on any shelf, bringing joy and charm to your home. Elevate your Easter celebration with this adorable addition.
5*5*20" 用我們的布藝架保姆兔子為您的復活節裝飾增添一抹歡快的氣息。這款兔子採用優質面料製成,設計注重細節,完美放置在任何架子上,為您的家帶來歡樂和魅力。用這個可愛的添加物來提升您的復活節慶祝活動。