Easter Hanging Carrot


可在以下地點取貨 Vanta Industrial

通常會在 2-4 天內準備就緒


6.5*0.75*14" Enhance your Easter decorations with our Easter Hanging Carrot. Made from high-quality materials, this carrot adds a touch of whimsy to any room. With its vibrant colors and realistic design, it's the perfect addition to your holiday celebrations. Get yours now and bring a festive atmosphere to your home!
6.5*0.75*14" 用我們的復活節掛胡蘿蔔增強您的復活節裝飾。這款胡蘿蔔採用優質材料製成,可為任何房間增添一抹奇思妙想。憑藉其鮮豔的色彩和逼真的設計,它是您節日慶祝活動的完美補充。立即購買,為您的家帶來節日氣氛!